Building the Google Timer

August 30, 2024

Picture of timer application


Time is an elusive beast, and as such must be tracked closely. Toward what ends does one spend the minutes of one's day? Perhaps you too have wondered where the day goes. To help us all out, I decided to crib the design of the delightful timer app Google provides on its search results page and extend it with some functionality to do just that: track time over multiple projects. To build this “improved” timer application, I leveraged a few interesting technologies, namely, Web Workers and Local Storage.

Concurrent with the question of how to track time is the question of how to show time that is tracked. To create a dashboard that would allow me to see easily how much time I have spent on which projects, I decided to use d3.js, which is a library with a bunch of helpful functions to shape data into information.

Web Workers

One may be tempted simply to handle the timer functionality using setTimeout, but that wouldn't work. What would work, however, is to use setInterval, as that allows us to mark the ticks of the clock as they happen. However, there is a big issue with the way the browser handles long-running JavaScript: It pauses its execution when the page's tab is inactive. Thus, visiting other web pages or working in other apps will cause the timer to pause, which is not very useful. We need a way to keep the process of the countdown going while we practice Spanish on Duolingo, or watch a video on YouTube, or write articles about building applications. Handily for us, there are Web Workers!

A Web Worker is a great solution to this problem because, to quote the documentation over at MDN, “Web Workers are a simple means for web content to run scripts in background threads.” A Web Worker will keep the interval alive even when the tab isn't focused. Furthermore, the Web Worker interface allows for two-way communication between itself and the tab that spawned it. Here are the steps to get this Web Worker up and running in a React component:

Step 1: Create a Web Worker file

We will pass the path to this file to our Web Worker instance in our React component. Put this file in the directory from which your website serves its assets.

// @type {Object.<string, NodeJS.Timeout>} let intentionIntervalIDs = {}; //@type {Object.<string, number>} let intentionDurations = {}; // @function onMessage // @param {MessageEvent<SetTimerDuration | StartTimer | StopTimer | ResetTimer>} e function onMessage(e) { const { data: { action, packet }, } = e; // handle message action switch (action) { case "setTimerDuration": intentionDurations[packet.intention] = packet.duration; break; case "startTimer": // create interval to invoke a callback every second; in the callback, decrement duration by one // and signal the tab thread via postMessage to update its duration state const intervalID = setInterval(() => { const nextDuration = intentionDurations[packet.intention] - 1; intentionDurations[packet.intention] = nextDuration; self.postMessage({ intention: packet.intention, duration: nextDuration, }); if (!nextDuration) { clearInterval(intentionIntervalIDs[packet.intention]); } }, 1000); intentionIntervalIDs[packet.intention] = intervalID; break; case "stopTimer": clearInterval(intentionIntervalIDs[packet.intention]); break; case "resetTimer": clearInterval(intentionIntervalIDs[packet.intention]); intentionDurations[packet.intention] = packet.duration; break; } } self.onmessage = onMessage;

Step 2: Set up a Web Worker in a React Component

In your React component, you will need to set up a piece of state to hold a reference to the Web Worker instance, and an effect to load the script file.

// State to hold reference to Web Worker const [worker, setWorker] = useState(null); useEffect(() => { // Create a new Web Worker const myWorker = new Worker('worker.js'); // Save the worker instance to state setWorker(myWorker); // Clean up the worker when the component unmounts return () => { myWorker.terminate(); }; }, []); // Run this effect only once when the component mounts

Step 3: Listen for Events on the Web Worker

How you choose to attach listeners to your Web Worker instance will vary according to the implementation details of your app. In this case, because each timer handles its own duration, I attach a listener in each timer card component.

useEffect(() => { function onWorkerMessage(e: MessageEvent) { // When the timer card receives a message from the Web Worker, // it checks to see if the intention in the data matches it's intention, and if it does, updates its duration state. if ( === intention) { setActiveDuration(; } } worker.addEventListener("message", onWorkerMessage); return () => { worker.removeEventListener("message", onWorkerMessage); }; }, [worker, intention]);

So that's it for Web Worker! Three cheers for this versatile class. Although this example used a Dedicated worker (a worker only a single script utilizes), there are also Shared workers, which can be used in multiple scripts in different browser contexts.

Time Intervals

Since a pomodoro duration could span multiple hours, and we want to break down how much time is spent per hour on a project, the need for an algorithm arose to handle this split. So, whenever an interval is recorded, first check if the interval fits within the current hour. If it does not, then break it up into smaller intervals that fill within the frame of an hour.

function determinePomodoroTimeSegments( seconds: number, startDate: Dayjs, intention: string ): PomodoroInput[] { const secondsToEndOfStartHour = 60 * 60 - startDate.minute() * 60 - (60 - startDate.second()); if (seconds <= secondsToEndOfStartHour) { return [ { label: intention, seconds, id: uuid(), hour: startDate.hour(), month: startDate.month(), year: startDate.year(), date:, }, ]; } let date = startDate; let incrementedDate = startDate; let counter = 0; let p: PomodoroInput[] = []; while (seconds) { seconds -= 1; counter += 1; incrementedDate = incrementedDate.add(1, "second"); if (incrementedDate.hour() !== date.hour()) { p = [ ...p, { label: intention, seconds: counter, id: uuid(), hour: date.hour(), month: date.month(), year: date.year(), date:, }, ]; counter = 0; date = incrementedDate; } } p = [ ...p, { label: intention, seconds: counter, id: uuid(), hour: date.hour(), month: date.month(), year: date.year(), date:, }, ]; return p; }

A Schematic

Here, you see how a person can set the duration of the timer and then press a button to change the state of the timer (“start”, “stop”, or “reset”) . The state change handler is defined in the onMessage function. Within this method, the timer signals each tick of the timeout to the browser and updates the UI; it does so by invoking the postMessage method on the web worker instance; we refer to the instance via the keyword self. Each timeout is held in the close embrace of an object in which the key is the “intention” of the timer and the value is the timeout ID. The trick here is to establish a new setInterval every time the Start button is pressed.

schematic of google timer


Although I won't go into the Audio API, which is super fun, there is something worth noting that I learned while putting this project together: In Safari, audio sources must be loaded as a response to user interaction. So, I created a function to do that when a duration is submitted for a given intention:

function setAudioSource() { if (audioRef.current) { audioRef.current.src = "time-up.m4a"; } }

Data Visualization

To give the data an informative and handsome form, I decided to use a stacked bar chart. This kind of chart will show the total number of minutes spent per project at whatever level of interval granularity is given. So far, I've provided “date” and “month” options in the app.

As I mentioned in the motivation section, d3 is the library of choice to create the data dashboard. d3 on it's own provides a way to create elements in the DOM, but that fights against the render process of React; I'll demonstrate how to use React to handle rendering while letting d3 shine as a data transformer. NB I'm assuming a level of familiarity with d3 such that you understand the concepts of domain and range, which are used to scale data points to the view.

Step 1: Create the Data structure with d3

In this code block, we take our data, an array of Pomodoro objects which look like {label: string, id: string, seconds: number} (label is the name of the timer). Then, we throw it up in the air with JS and it comes down with a nice array of objects we can map over in React to create our bar chart.

function makeBarsOutput( // PomodorosForDate is a map of date to Pomodoro, which is an object with properties id, seconds (length of interval), and intention pomodorosForDates: PomodorosForDate, allLabels: { [key: string]: string } ) { const mapFn = ([timeUnit, pomodoros]: [string, PomodorosForHour]) => { if (!pomodoros.length) return { timeUnit }; // Helper function to add up all seconds associated with an intention const rects = rollup(pomodoros, timeUnit); // Index the data based on date and intention - this way d3 knows how to build the pieces of the stacked bar const dateIndex = index( rects, (r) =>, (r) => r.label ); // Make a set of labels const labels = union( pomodorosForDates[timeUnit].map((d) => { allLabels[d.label] = d.label; return d.label; }) ); // d3 magic function that builds the pieces of the stacked bar const series = stack() .keys(labels) // @ts-ignore .value(([, group], key) => group.get(key).seconds)(dateIndex); const barHeight = series?.[series.length - 1]?.[0]?.[1]; return { rects, dateIndex, series, barHeight, timeUnit, }; }; const bars = Object.entries(pomodorosForDates).map(mapFn); return { bars, allLabels: Object.keys(allLabels) }; }

Step 2: Render in React

The next step is pretty simple, but it does require some knowledge of SVG elements and how they are styled. Otherwise, there's nothing more than mapping over the objects we produced in the first step!

// imagine this map is contained in an SVG element {, i) => { if (!b.barHeight) return <Box component="g" key={b.timeUnit} />; const { series, timeUnit } = b; const barHeight = series[series.length - 1][0][1]; return ( <Box component="g" key={timeUnit} transform={"translate(x(Number(timeUnit))}, svgHeight - y(barHeight) - marginBottom })"} > {, i) => { const element = d[0]; return ( <Tooltip key={d.key} title={ <> {d.key} {renderActiveTimer(element[1] - element[0])} </> } placement="right" arrow > <Box component="rect" height={y(element[1]) - y(element[0])}px y={y(element[0])} width={bands.bandwidth()} id={d.key} fill={colorInterpolator(d.key) as string} /> </Tooltip> ); })} </Box> ); })}

And that wraps up this project! There are a few to-dos on my list of things to improve, but overall this was a very fun and interesting problem to solve!

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